Ways of Verifying Electronic Data
The identity of a sender and integrity or originality of the data they sent can be verified and confirmed by the use of electronic signatures Clients can get the electronic signatures from companies offering this service and can apply for the signature online from the service provider”s website and get it the same way by downloading it there. Users can easily recover lost passwords for free from the service providers and the need to install the signatures is not necessary for the client since it is installed remotely by the services providers.
Electronic signatures are used to do the same thing as a physical signature on paper provided they meet the set of requirements laid down by the authorizing body. Digital signatures are different from electronic signatures in that they are the mechanisms used for implementing and facilitating the operation of the electronic signatures. Most jurisdictions require an electronic signature to meet some specifications in including identifying and linking the signatory to the signature. It is also expected that the signatory be the only one possessing and controlling the key used to create the electronic signature and this key is called a private key. After a message is signed, it is required that an electronic key be able to identify even in cases where the data was tampered with after signing. Another rule demands that the electronic key be invalidated if the data sent with it has been changed.
Data that logically associates other electronic data to the signatory or is attached to the other data can be considered to be a simple electronic signature. Advanced electronic signatures are types of signatures with additional features to enable the signature be linked uniquely to the signatory and to uniquely identify the signatory, give sole control to the signatory and also to be able to detect changes made to the data after it is sent. A qualified electronic signature includes more features like it has to be created by a device that is qualified to create signatures like smartcards, sim cards and others and it uses qualified certificate which is provided by providers authorized by the necessary authorities for the electronic signature.
Electronic signatures can be used to sign contracts like insurance and sales, to sign transactions mostly online transaction and for many more reasons. Verifying using electronic signatures is time and money saving, it is also accepted internationally and also ensures privacy for the users. Companies that make privacy issues a high priority for their clients are preferable when choosing which company to buy the electronic signatures from.