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Plumbing Problems for New Homeowners

You will realize that about 34{637d3cdf72ab6eae364d88585237fb1a5be637b19e8289f4464d73ace03a040d} of homeowners in 2017 were first time homeowners. You will always feel great to be a homeowner. You will however be expected to deal with a number of repairs within the home. As you read more, you will learn of up to five problems that you are likely to face as a new homeowner.

You will often witness dripping faucets. This is one such problem that is quite notable. it is imperative to indicate that you will often lose lots of water from these dripping faucets. Wasting water will every so often raise your water bills. You will also tend to lose quite a considerable amount of money. This will in most cases be brought about by worn out or even torn internal washers. The fixing of this issue will in most cases be quite easy. You will however require a number of professional tools.

A slow draining sink might also be featured. You will learn that there is a possibility of your kitchen sink having food clogged in it. You will need to use a plunger to clear a clogged sink. You can also pour a little baking powder and vinegar down this drain. In the event that you do not fix this problem, you might end up having quite a headache. It will be required of you to follow instructions in the event that you opt to use chemicals. You will also have to wear protective clothing.

You will also witness a running toilet. This is bought about by a flapper valve that is broken down. You will not have any difficulty fixing this. You can rely on a repair kit from your local store. Feel free to check the existence of any potential leaks. There is also a possibility for you to witness low water pressure. This is particularly if you bought an older home. Pipes will often tend to wear out. It will be required of you to soak the showerhead in vinegar in the event that it is faulty. You can also consider having it replaced. You will be required to take it off and remove any soap residue. With a toothbrush that has been soaked in vinegar, scrub this showerhead. Toothpicks will be perfect for poking off lose scum.

You might also experience sewer backups. Such an issue might just be too big for you. You will find it necessary to engage a plumber to help you spot where the blockage. You will learn that if the backup sewer is in your property, it will be your responsibility. The water company will deal with the one on the streets.

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