4 Lessons Learned: Experts

The Categories of Veteran-Owned Businesses

Any person who has significant experience gained from practicing in a named field can be referred to as a veteran. The term veteran could also be used to define a person who has had a long service as a member of the armed forces before they left the forces. The reasons for leaving the military, however, matter very much in determining if a person is a veteran as the reasons need not be once involving the loss of honor. The veterans especially from the armed forces usually experience a lot of difficulties landing into job after leaving the service mainly because the skills they have may not be accurately aligned to the corporate market. The reasons above make most unable to find jobs or get those that pay very poorly.

The veterans may be prompted to start businesses to help them survive and also cater for their bills and those of their families. Businesses that are started by veterans are thus referred to as Veteran owned business. This means that the market place has two broad categories, the ordinary business and the veteran owned businesses. The government, since it understands this situation steps in to help such veterans with the necessary assistance that they need as a means to show that they appreciate all the noble job they did while in the forces. Provision of the financial aid that these veterans require to successfully start a business are just but one of the ways in which the government offers them support.

Veteran Owned Businesses can be said to form a whole market place of their own as they also have two more sub-divisions. The service-connected disability veterans form the first category of veterans who form business because they can no longer offer their services due to the disability they sustained when in service. However, one has to have a letter from their troop leaders indicating that indeed these injuries were sustained while in their line of duty. The second category is like an upgrade of the first category because for one to be categorized as a Service-disabled veteran small business they need to meet the financial threshold of the size of a small business.

The government treats the veteran-owned businesses and thus has set aside a set proportion of its outsourced services to be provided by this group. By coming up with a program that mentors and helps these veterans acquires some of the skills they require, the government is seen to continue extending their support. Consuming the goods or services from businesses run by veterans is another channel that the government and civilians alike support these veterans.

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