Having a garden is of course wonderful. In the summer you can dine, sunbathe or have a drink in it and in the winter, with a bit of luck, you can have a snowball fight in it. Of course, a large garden requires a lot of maintenance. Some people have their whole garden tiled so that the maintenance is as low as possible. However, if you want to have a lot of greenery in your garden and plant a lawn, for example, keeping it nice and pretty is a lot more effort. Where beautiful plants, trees or flowers grow, you will of course always have problems with moss and weeds. To keep your lawn beautiful, it is important to scarify it. Below you can read why this is so important and what it entails exactly.
What is scarifying?
Verticutting is a technique used to remove moss or dead organic material. It is important to remove this because it causes your lawn to suffocate. So in this method, you actually cut the grass vertically to free up more space and that is scarifying. Grass naturally needs elements such as water, light, air and other nutrients to grow. Because of the thatch layer that comes over the grass due to moss and weeds, the blades of grass do not have access to these elements, so they cannot grow. Also, every plant, including grass blades, needs iron sulphate to grow. This is because iron allows plants to extract energy from sunlight without difficulty. This solar energy is used to convert water into sugars and oxygen.
When should you scarify?
You should scarify your lawn at a time when the grass is growing fast. This is done both in the spring and in the fall. It is good to know that grass does not grow when the soil temperature is below 10 degrees Celsius. Here it is important not to look at the outside temperature, because it is certainly not the same as the soil temperature. Often the best period to scarify your lawn is early March. In addition, it is important to look at the weather on the day you are going to scarify. It is important for both you and the grass that the sun does not shine too hard. A few drops of rain are also not a problem. It is often advisable to scarify your lawn once a year or once every two years. This depends on the thickness of the thatch layer; you want it to stay under 2 centimeters.